
New Features of the TokenScope Platform

The TokenScope Team continues to develop services and features and improve the TokenScope Platform's functionality to make the service more accessible and user-friendly.

The development team added new features and made the following improvements to the services available on the website:

  • Authorization is now available through the Telegram social network that makes the registration process fast and easy;
  • A mobile version of the graph appeared on the Platform with the Ethereum tokens supported.

  • Now it is also possible to duplicate the saved graph, which allows to conduct several investigations or examinations of different branches at the same time.

  • The saved graphs are now available in your personal account to follow up with them.

  • For our Arabic- and Farsi-speaking users, the website has an adapted interface.

  • Articles, investigations and regulatory overviews now have a separate page that was added on the website.

We will be grateful for any feedback about our services, we will try to take them into account and improve our services with regard to your requests. All suggestions and comments about the services can be reported via email to info@tokenscope.com or submitted via Telegram chat https://t.me/tokenscope.

The TokenScope Team
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